Why we do, what we do !

What do you do when you receive your paycheck ? You spend. You invest. You can do whatever you want to do- the whole world is yours.
Well, what did I do?

Kept half for me and distributed the half amongst my family – 

Dad- not willing to take it at first, then taking it ceremoniously and again returning it back. It took a lot of convincing from me and mom before he finally placed it in his wallet. His face full of pride and eyes full of glory. 

Mom- accepts it at once with grace and showers her blessings. Well, she earned that what she received. It has been her long cherished dream to spend money that her sons earn and even told the things she would buy out if it. #Mom things

Brother- well, obviously he earns more than me (infact he mints money even when he sleeps😋) so he refuses to accept the petty part of the already petty stipend that I earn and asks for the whole of it. But eventually, contents himself with the meagre amount. I’ll take a treat later on to square it off though ! 

Finally, I am left with my part. And what did I do? Initially, I tried helping an old man get some breakfast but he was too drunk for his own good . Then, I changed plan – I fed three children who were hungry (for I dont know how much amount of time). Seeing the happiness on their face and their mother’s was amazing. And what did it cost ? Not even a sum as paltry as a hundred rupees.

This brings us to the question – why did I do it? It’s simple, I did it because I am able to. Sometimes in life, we should do things not to get any particular benefits but just for the joy of doing it. The smiling “thankyou” that I received was worth more than the amount spent on purchasing foodstuff for them.

One more important thing- I did not want to write about any of this and would have loved to keep it off records but I have to write it down. I don’t want to brag about it. However, even if one person gets inspired and follows the suit, I think the purpose of this blog will be accomplished. 

Remember, Karma has only one rule: what you do now, you will get it back later. So, next time whenever you see someone, who really needs a helping hand, DON’T hesitate because money spent on humanitarian causes is better spen,  than money spent on all the things we actually spend it on ( I don’t want to jot that list down😂😋). 

” What goes around, comes around”. 

Published by

A Silent Spectator

In this journey of life, keep your eyes on the wonderful backgrounds. They pass by only once and if you are busy tredding on that worn road, then they are lost forever.

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